Horizontal Laminator
(Model 710-A)

The Beahm Designs Inc. model 710-A Laminator is a system for the purpose of reflowing thermoplastic tubings into a single composite shaft by means of traversing a thermal nozzle along the length of the tube.

This system gives you:

  • Consistent laminations
  • Process Control (ie temperature, traverse rate, expand pressure)
Catheter Tubing Materials Virtually all thermoplastics such as but not limited to; Pebax Nylon Polyethelene Polypropylene Polyurethane FEP PTFE
Tooling Options Thermal Nozzle Grip tooling
Catheter Lamination Lengths Up to 7ft.
Tubing Size 1 to 31 Fr 0.013” to 0.375” in.
Facilities Requirements 120VAC or 220VAC 50/60 Hz. 500 watts max.
Services Equipment Design and Development Process Development First Article Samples – Prototyping Tooling



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