Balloon Compliance Testing

Contact and Non-Contact, Single and Multi-point Measurement

Balloon compliance testing compares balloon pressure to resulting balloon diameter across a full range of pressure up to 25% above rates burst pressure. Our Balloon Compliance Test Fixture (CTF) allows for the automatic contact measurement of products while submerged in a water bath. A standard, low-force Mitutoyo Digimatic gauge is mounted on an adjustable stand that will accommodate water baths of various depths. The Balloon Compliance Test  fixturing was designed to accommodate a wide range of balloon product types and sizes and all components are corrosion resistant.

Crescent Design’s non-contact, single point diameter measurement systems employ a Keyence Optical Micrometer mounted to a temperature-controlled water bath with specially designed product fixturing.

The Positioning Controller system offers non-contact, multi-point diameter measurement readings during balloon compliance testing. The Positioning Controller consists of a water bath and Keyence LS7070 micrometer mounted to a translation stage that allows the micrometer to be positioned horizontally. It is available with a 14-inch bath (8 inches of travel) or a 20-inch bath (14 inches of travel).